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Expert Strategies For Rooms That Grow


Create an Age-Appropriate Bedroom for Your Child

Expert Strategies for Rooms that Grow

Start With a Neutral Color Palette

It may seem obvious, but starting with a neutral color palette will give you a blank canvas to work with as your child grows. This will allow you to easily change the look of the room with new bedding, curtains, and accessories as their tastes change. You can also add pops of color with artwork, rugs, and throw pillows.

Choose Furniture that Can Grow With Them

Invest in furniture that is sturdy and well-made, and that can be used for multiple purposes. For example, a twin bed can be used for years, and can be dressed up or down with different bedding. A desk can be used for studying, drawing, or playing games.

Create Spaces for Different Activities

Children need spaces to sleep, play, and study. Create a cozy sleeping area with a comfortable bed and bedding. Set up a play area with toys, books, and games. And create a study space with a desk, chair, and good lighting.

Add Personal Touches

Let your child help you decorate their room so that it reflects their personality. This could include choosing their favorite colors, patterns, and artwork. They can also help you arrange the furniture and hang up their own artwork.

Be Flexible

As your child grows, their needs will change. Be prepared to make changes to their room as they get older. This could include changing the color scheme, adding new furniture, or rearranging the layout. The important thing is to create a space that is comfortable and functional for your child.

